Club Events Club Info

CCFL Club Members Draw

Note to Club Secretaries,

As you are aware, our next League Management meeting will take place on Monday the 13th of Feb 2012 in the Bridge House, in Tullamore. Following on from our
previous meeting preparations are well underway in the planning for our CCFL Club Members Draw. It is our intention to distribute initial tickets on the
night of our meeting to participating clubs. Terms and conditions will be issued ahead of the draw but ahead of the full publication of terms and
conditions, participating clubs must note that in order to take part in this draw participating clubs must undertake to sell a minimum of 50 tickets at € 10
per ticket – there will be no upper limit to the number of tickets that participating clubs can sell.
Against this note, in order to help the Committee to order an accurate estimate of required tickets for distribution on the night of our meeting, could intending participating clubs please contact
any of the listed Committee members below to place preliminary orders.

Triona McDarby 086-8240656

Maura Donohue 086-8103718

Chris Hand 086-8103602